I wanted to share a fantastic episode of the Australian journalistic show Catalyst. This is the first time that I have seen a full documentary that really sums up everything that I have learned about endocrine disruption chemicals. We really need to be aware that we are part of a human experiment, and we need to voluntarily opt-out.
Some fantastic points made in this video:
- Over 80,000 chemicals are used in everyday products. This is huge – we cannot expect that all of these will be safe.
- BPA free products usually have BPS, BPAF or BPB instead. This essential means BPA-Free plastic is no better and potentially worse for your health.
- Cashiers had notably increased levels of BPA in their blood after an 8 hour shift handling receipts.
- Even a tiny amount of endocrine disrupting chemicals can affect your health.
- We are part of a human experiment – chemicals are not tested prior to use in everyday items, even though it is known that many chemicals are absorbed. We do not yet know the full implications of using these chemicals.
- In the past 30 years, testicular cancer has increased by 50%. Environmental causes are the only probable cause.
- Endocrine disruptors like BPA and phthalates have been shown to decrease IQ by 5 points. In the US alone this would mean the number of children who are considered challenged, or what we used to call mentally retarded, increase from about 6 million to over 9 million.
- There is no study of how multiple chemicals effect our health, they are always studied in isolation.
I hope this video helps to motivate you to reduce exposure of endocrine disrupting chemicals in your life. Here’s how you do it:
- Avoid plastic. Water bottles, food containers need to be glass, ceramic or stainless steel.
- Avoid canned and tetra packed food which is lined with plastic. Yes your coconut water is probably laced with BPA.
- NEVER heat plastic in the microwave. Never. Same goes for hot liquids in plastics.
- Try not to handle receipts too much – wash your hand frequently and consider wearing gloves if exposure is high.
- Eat organic where you can and make sure you rinse conventional produce really well.
- Use fragrance free, natural and organic makeup, personal care items, shampoo and conditioner to avoid phthalates.
- Use natural cleaning products that are free from fragrance.